Digital Downloads ARE ON SALE NOW!
Purchase your digital download via your 4SDA Account.
- Log into your 4SDA Account
- Scroll Down to the Online Store*
- Be sure to purchase the Show(s) your dancer was in!

We are extremely proud of all of our dancers and performers. The class pieces, Eleve, A Wee Westside Story, and A Mermaid’s Tale were all INCREDIBLE! Thank you to all of our amazing teachers, staff and 4SDA Parents!
- June 8, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
- June 9, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
- June 10, 2023 @ 1:00 PM & 4:00 PM
The Center Theatre
California Center for the Arts, Escondido (CCAE).
340 North Escondido Boulevard
Escondido, CA 92025
- $25 = Orchestra Rows N-O, Mezzanine Row C
- $30 = Orchestra Rows H-M, Mezzanine Row B
- $35 = Orchestra Rows A-G, Mezzanine Row A & Boxes
- $5 Discount Available: Children 3-12, Seniors, Active Military
A seating chart, showing available seats, will be displayed when ordering tickets online. You can view/download a copy of the general seating chart in advance if you like.

All tickets sales are processed by CCAE and can be purchased online, by phone or at the box office.
- * Online Fees: CCAE charges $7.00/ticket
- ** Phone Fees: CCAE charges $6.00/ticket
- AVOID FEES! There are no fees for tickets purchased at CCAE's Ticket Office
- Discounted and Group Tickets can only be purchased by calling or going to CCAE's Ticket Office.
Purchase Tickets at CCAE's Box Office - NO FEES
Hours: Open Tues – Sat (11 AM- 5 PM), Closed Sunday & Monday
Note: Visit CCAE’s Ticket Office webpage for directions and a campus map.
Purchase Tickets Online*
Click the green button to purchase tickets online via CCAE’s website.
Purchase Tickets Over the Phone **
Call 800-988-4253 (CCAE’s Box Office #)

Informed Parents help make their dancer’s rehearsal and performance experience even better. Be sure to stay up to date with the latest 4SDA news by checking the Parent’s Page regularly!
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding performance dates, safety protocols, etc., please CONTACT US.
- Masks are encouraged but NOT required.
- Vaccination/testing documentation is NOT required.