Greetings 4SDA Parents and Students,
My name is Ainsley Hammel, and I have been a dancer at 4S Dance Academy since 2018. I am currently a Division 7 ballerina with 4SDA. Dancing has been such a big part of my life, which is what sparked my idea for a Scholarship Program. I want every student to have the same opportunity to dance at 4SDA.
I am creating a scholarship program for dancers who need extra help with the cost of their 4SDA class tuition. The 4SDA Leap Scholarship Program would apply to dancers in Division 2 and up who love dance and need some extra financial help. My goal is to raise money to cover some of the cost for one student’s 4SDA dance classes. We would like to invite the support of any families who want to help by donating today.
Please click the Donate button below to make a contribution online. If you have any questions or prefer to donate via a check, please contact Mr. Jason at jason@4sdanceacademy.com.
Thank you for your help and interest.
Ainsley Hammel